

Dehalococcoides – present in uniquely high cell counts in our bioaugmentation agent – is the only known group of microorganisms capable of dechlorinating short-chain chlorinated…

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​Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons are typically present in contaminated soils in the form of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), often in combination with carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic…

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​The microbial inoculum mainly used for the degradation of PAH – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the associated TPH – aliphatic hydrocarbon contaminants. The product contains…

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The most effective solution to degrade complex pollutants is the application of microorganisms/microbial communities originated from contaminated sites. The application of predominately autochthonous microbial community…

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Bioremediation, Bioaugmentation, Remediation with bacteria, TCE pollution, PCE pollution, DCE pollution, TPH pollution, PAH pollution, Dehalococcoides

Bioremediation, Bioaugmentation, Remediation with bacteria, TCE pollution, PCE pollution, DCE pollution, TPH pollution, PAH pollution, Dehalococcoides

Bioremediation, Bioaugmentation, Remediation with bacteria, TCE pollution, PCE pollution, DCE pollution, TPH pollution, PAH pollution, Dehalococcoides
Bioremediáció, Bioaugmentáció, Biológiai kármentesítés, Kármentesítés baktériumokkal, TCE szennyezés, PCE szennyezés, DCE szennyezés, TPH szennyezés, PAH szennyezés, Dehalococcoides
Bioremediation, Bioaugmentation, Remediation with bacteria, TCE pollution, PCE pollution, DCE pollution, TPH pollution, PAH pollution, Dehalococcoides
Bioremediáció, Bioaugmentáció, Biológiai kármentesítés, Kármentesítés baktériumokkal, TCE szennyezés, PCE szennyezés, DCE szennyezés, TPH szennyezés, PAH szennyezés, Dehalococcoides