Bioremediáció, Bioaugmentáció, Biológiai kármentesítés, Kármentesítés baktériumokkal, TCE szennyezés, PCE szennyezés, DCE szennyezés, TPH szennyezés, PAH szennyezés, Dehalococcoides Bioremediation, Bioaugmentation, Remediation with bacteria, TCE pollution, PCE pollution, DCE pollution, TPH pollution, PAH pollution, Dehalococcoides

Zsuzsanna Nagymáté, PhD

Zsuzsanna Nagymáté graduated as biologist with specialisation in microbiology at the Faculty of Science of Eötvös Loránd University, where she also obtained Ph.D. degree in 2018. She gained several years of research experience in the field of microbial ecology, environmental microbiology and biotechnology including bioremediation of various hydrocarbons, microbiology of soils, freshwaters, municipal and industrial wastewater and sewage sludge digesters. She is familiar with classical cultivation based and cultivation independent molecular biological methods.